Dont Scratch it! Why to go to a profesional.
Scratchers The term scratcher refers to a person who tattoos people without any talent, training or even a license. This will usually be carried out in said persons home (or anywhere other than a studio), sometimes using a devise known as a "Stick n poke" or a tattoo machine which can easily be purchased online. There are even online courses you can now take that claim to teach you to tattoo. It takes years of hard work for artists to hone their individual style and brush up on their technique. Working as apprentices and earning the right to tattoo the public. This is why there is a staggering contrast between a tattoo done by a professional and that of a scratcher. If you are considering a tattoo, make sure your artist is reputable and licensed (and not tattooing from his or her kitchen). Likewise if you are considering investing in a "Stick n Poke" and permanently marking another person's body please just do...